Mars Image Archive - Exoarchaeology
Mars Image Archive - Exoarchaeology
​Why is no EXOARCHAEOLOGY being done on the PLANET MARS?
throughout the cosmos, that our national space agencies here on Planet Earth, expend absolutely ZERO scientific resources into exploring the possibility that the Planet Mars may once have been host to a civilization.
​The current Mars rovers could become 'field archaeologists' and examine the many small, artificial-looking objects on its path. The Mars orbiters could also study the larger, more geometrical structures in much more detail.
All that's required is a decision to just do it. And some courage.
M. J. Craig - Author of "Secret Mars"
​There are many strange and mysterious objects and formations on the surface of the Planet Mars. Most of these will be geological in origin, but some may not be. The fact is, that if just ONE of these often geometrical and mechanical-looking anomalies on Mars can be proven to be ARTIFICIAL - an artefact that perhaps originated from an ancient Martian culture - then our world changes forever.
It therefore remains a confounding mystery as to why, given the enormous significance and implications of such a discovery, a revelation which would result in a massive shift in knowledge in terms of both understanding our own human origins and the extent of intelligent life
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Access original NASA image links​
Whether by bureaucratic ineptitude (or perhaps mischievous intent), many of the original NASA image source links have been changed or deleted over the years to the frustration and annoyance of the public - and me. This is particularly the case for imagery from the Mars Orbiter Camera and the Spirit and Opportunity rovers.
As time permits, however, I will endeavour, once again, to rediscover links for all the imagery.
M J Craig - Secret Mars​​