MIA023: Dome Feature

MIA023.2 Dome Feature - Sol 4073
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Image source: https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/4073/1P489773398EFFCNK6P2413L7M1.HTML
MIA023: Dome Feature
Mars Report Ref: MIA023
Report date: July-August 2017
Research Status: Open - Possible monument/artefact
Description: Dome Feature
Approximate size: 1 - 2 m
Mission: Opportunity Rover
Location: Rim of Endeavour Crater, near entrance of 'Marathon Valley'
Found by: David Gannett, Thomas M. S. Jensen
Image date: Sol 4073, July 2015
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Graphics/image editing/GIF sequence: M. J. Craig
Image source: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/4073/1P489773398EFFCNK6P2413R1M1.JPG
In July 2015, this feature attracted wide media interest due to what appeared to be its remarkable 'dome' shape. Much less reported was the fact that in 2016, the Opportunity Rover got closer to it and took more pictures from a different angle. The dome shape disappears, but a rounded, curved form remains. Is it just a collection of rocks, or something else? Given its strange shape, it's perhaps odd that a decision was not made to get an even closer look at it.
Distinct semi-circular shape. Several other similar sized objects appear somewhat evenly spaced out in the vicinity, which might suggest deliberate placement such as with rock cairns.
Common explanation
A large boulder sitting amongst a pile of smaller rocks.

MIA23.1 Dome Feature: Overview of 2015 and 2016 images
Image credits/links:
(1) "Approach to Marathon Valley"; NASA/JPL-Caltech; https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/press/opportunity/20150324a/mars-rover-opportunity-marathon-valley-PIA19155_br.jpg
(2) Sol 3967; NASA/JPL/Cornell; https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/3967/1P480356587EFFCMIZP2388L5M1.HTML
(3) Sol 4073; NASA/JPL/Cornell; https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/4073/1P489773398EFFCNK6P2413L7M1.HTML
(4) Sol 4385; NASA/JPL/Cornell; https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/4385/1P517465968ESFCQFZP2369L5M1.HTML
(5) Sol4333; NASA/JPL/Cornell; https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/4333/1P512849070ESFCQ00P2432L5M1.HTML

MIA023.3 Dome Feature: Close-up - Sol 4385
True colour version produced by Holger Isenberg
Image credit: Holger Isenberg
Image source:

MIA023.4 Dome Feature: From a distance - Sol 4385 - true colour version produced by Holger Isenberg
Image credit: Holger Isenberg
MIA023.5 Curved Feature: Moving sequence revealing structural perspective.
GIF sequence: M. J. Craig